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Hi. My name is Bushra

Bushra's portrait picture

I am a web developer with a passion for developing user-friendly, feature-filled web applications. Below is a showcase of some of my projects as well as my contact info. Get in touch!


Picture of wordpress logo

Wordpress Development

Whether you want a small landing page to showcase you businesses growing brand, a simple ecommerce website to sell products, or what have you this could be an ideal select. Wordpresses powerful content management system makes it easy to build such websites. And if you need a little more control and wish to make changes I can work with you to set that up

picture of web logo on top of network logo

Web App Development

For all those websites that you want to tailor to your own wishes this is the way to go. I can build out a nice web site with all the bells and whistles to allow your website to cater to you customers, employees, or business clients.


Female fight club columbus home page shot

Female Fight Club Columbus

Galacticos FC home page shot

Galacticos FC

Sports Academy Travel home page shot

Sports Academy Travel

Merve Care home page shot

Merve Care LLC

A & J Foreign & Domestic home page shot

A & J Foreign & Domestic

Columbus Car Key and Lock Solution home page shot

Columbus Car Key and Lock Solution

Let's Get In Touch

Want to get in touch to discuss employment opportunites or want a website built then send me a message using the form on the left. Also connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my work on GitHub!